Investor Relations

Welcome to our comprehensive Investor Relations page, where you can learn more about the prospects of investing in Liva. Learn more about the strategic goals, financial performance, and expansion possibilities of our organization. To make wise investment decisions, get regular information, reports, and presentations.

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Quarterly and Annual Reports
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Investor Contacts


Shakir Hamed Nasser Al Tubi   
Address : P.O.Box: 798, Wadi Kabir, PC 117,   
Sultanate of Oman   
Telephone : 24730626   
Fax : 24730995   
Email ID :

Investor Contacts


Shakir Hamed Nasser Al Tubi   
Address : P.O.Box: 798, Wadi Kabir, PC 117,   
Sultanate of Oman   
Telephone : 24730626   
Fax : 24730995   
Email ID :